These satisfy two fundamental goals:
- The need to control impacts to known sites.
- To provide a protocol for identifying and protecting additional unrecorded cultural/heritage materials which could be encountered during construction.
The main objective of HRPPs is to ensure that clients and their construction contractors are able to execute their work without running counter to these two goals. Some of the components and deliverables for the HRPPs have included:
- HRPP Master guide documents which include both a general and detailed protection plan to be used by planners, construction contractors, and environmental inspectors to help avoid damage to all recorded significant sites or any new sites that may be encountered during construction, remediation, or other activities. Full detailed manuals are prepared in any easily accessed guides listing of all known sites, their sensitivity, and their mitigation options.
- Additional smaller, portable, well-illustrated, coil bound, “pocket” handbooks carried by field personnel as an easy access guide is provided. These handbooks define all site types and artifacts types that may exist within the project lands. These are included in an easy guide with tabbed sections for non-trained personnel to identify archaeological, historic, and traditional use sites in the field. This guide contains a flow chart of how to deal with each site based on site type, site significance, and anticipated impact.
- Protocols on how to manage these resources, and summaries of how these may be dealt with under a variety of construction circumstances. Graphic aids include tables and flow charts summarizing these protocols in easy to follow steps based on the situation
- Lifeways also provides training or educational programs in site and artifact recognition for construction supervisors and/or environmental inspectors following completion of the HRPP. These training sessions provide information to train construction and consulting teams. A PowerPoint presentation outlining and defining all of the main points covered within the HRPP document are produced as a component of this training session; digital copies of which will be provided to the client/project for future training to their employees and contractors as needed.