Lifeways of Canada Limited is a full-service heritage consulting company with the capacity to carry out projects of varying scope throughout western Canada. From single well sites to large industrial developments, we have the experienced staff and in-house resources to provide necessary assistance for all stakeholders. We offer a full range of services dealing with archaeological, historical and traditional use studies. These studies may be integrated with other environmental, economic and social impact and management studies, or as stand-alone investigations. Our clients include private and public developers in many economic sectors, various First Nations and both research and regulatory/administrative organizations.
Protection of cultural properties and resources are regulated by relevant municipal provincial, territorial or federal legislation. Developments which may affect these resources are required to conform to the relevant approval process. Lifeways’ staff are intimately familiar with these requirements throughout most jurisdictions in western Canada and are ready to provide the services that will satisfy these requirements.
Historical Resources Applications (HRA)
Almost all historical resources work in Alberta begins with a Historical Resources Application submitted to the Historical Resources Management Branch (HRMB) through their On-line Permitting and Clearance system (OPaC). While for many projects this is only the beginning, in many cases Historical…
Statements of Justification (SoJ) and Historical Resources Overviews (HR0)
In the past, in the early planning stages of development, proponents used to have consultants prepare a Historical Resources Overview (HRO). These documents are still used in some jurisdictions such as British Columbia and Parks Canada and are often referred to as Archaeological Overview…
Historical Resources Impact Mitigation (HRIM)
If a significant historical resource is found in conflict with a proposed development and cannot be reasonably avoided, then a consultant will recommend mitigation measures to collect valuable information before it is lost.
Palaeontology and Palaeontological HRIA
As anyone who has been to the Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology can attest, palaeontological resources are an important part of Alberta’s past. Palaeontologists are specialists, most commonly trained in the fields of evolutionary biology or geology. While using some similar concepts, such as…
Aboriginal Engagement, First Nations Consultation, and Traditional Land Use
Lifeways has been leading Aboriginal Engagement, First Nations Consultation and undertaking studies of traditional land use along with Indigenous communities for many years. These activities have become an integral part of the development approvals process both provincially and federally and…
Historical Resources Impact Assessments (HRIA)
A Historical Resources Impact Assessment (HRIA) refers to the process by which archaeological, historical, and palaeontological resources are located, studied, and managed in the Province of Alberta. Before industrial, private, and government organizations undertake development in the Province,…
Lifeways provides professional expertise for the following types of developments:
- Forestry
- Wind Farms
- Solar Energy
- Tourism and Recreation areas
- Oilsands Developments
- Residential and Commercial Subdivisions – from country residential to high density, large or small
- Well Sites and Access Roads
- Large-scale, multi-year energy and other extraction developments requiring EIA reporting, including conventional oilsand mining and SAGD
- Transportation developments including Highways and Rail lines
- Communication and power transmission developments, ranging from single cell tower locations to high-tension electrical transmissions
- Pipelines – single tie-ins, gathering systems or large transmission lines including Class 1 projects
- Reclamation or Stabilization projects
- Dams, Reservoirs, Impoundments and Diversions
- Land Claims
- Modelling and Constraints Mapping
- Directed Research
- Due diligence studies
Protection of cultural properties and resources are regulated by relevant provincial, territorial, or federal legislation. Developments which may affect these resources are required to conform to the relevant approval process. Lifeways’ staff are intimately familiar with these requirements throughout most jurisdictions in western Canada and are ready to provide the services that will satisfy these requirements.